Ever since universities were created, they had the tradition to cooperate with each other.
But in June 2019, the European Commission, through the European Universities Initiative, decided to push this kind of cooperation forward to more integration. It selected 17 pioneer alliances – consisting of 114 Higher Education Institutions – to be the future European Universities.
The European Commission defines European Universities as such:
« European Universities are transnational alliances that will become the universities of the future, promoting European values and identity, and revolutionising the quality and competitiveness of European higher education. In order to achieve this major step forward, the Commission is testing different cooperation models for European Universities with two calls for proposals under the Erasmus+ programme. The alliances will:
Thanks to this initiative, the European Universities have the objective to « bring together a new generation of creative Europeans able to cooperate across languages, borders and disciplines to address societal challenges and skills shortages faced in Europe. »
These alliances are deeply rooted in the European values and the innovative aspect of their foundation is that they are co-created by students & staff. Indeed, this project was thought as a highly student-centred project.
European Universities will try new formats and new ways of experiencing the university life. We hope that they will be considered as role models in the transformation of the European landscape of higher education.
The EPICUR alliance is deeply thankful to the European Commission for its trust and the opportunity it gave us to move change the way we experience our universities.
If you want to learn more about the initiative of the European Union, click here.
We are developing an integrative approach and we address in and beyond our alliance and universities.
Our alliance is based on a Staff and Students approach. It means that all our activities are oriented towards the demands of our students (Bachelors, Masters, PhD) and our staff members (researchers, academic, administrative). Most importantly, we want to include our students and staff members to the process of creation of the alliance and its implementation.
On a different level, EPICUR has the ambition to be connected to the great actors of its different regions and to Unify its Regions. The regions are part of our DNA. Therefore, EPICUR will be tackling the challenges our regions are facing in matters such as the society, the economy, etc, hand-in-hand with its partners thanks to new collaborations.
The EPICUR alliance is composed of 8 Higher Education Institutions:
– University of Strasbourg – France
– Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań – Poland
– Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Greece
– University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna – Austria
– Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Germany
– University of Haute-Alsace – France
– University of Freiburg – Germany
– University of Amsterdam – The Netherlands
Our partner universities are part of different regions unfolding 4 main cultural areas of Europe:
– Anglo-Saxon (Austria, Germany, The Netherlands)
– Latin (France)
– Mediterranean (France, Greece)
– Slavic (Poland, Eastern Europe)
They are also part of multiple regional networks:
– EUCOR – the Upper Rhine Network
– ICA Central and South Eastern Europe (CASEE)
– BSUN – the Black Sea University Network
– BUP – Baltic University Program
The diversity of each university background allows us to learn from our differences and exchange about the changes we can do to improve our collaboration.For further details, please visit the profiles of our University partners.
In order to enhance and improve the alliance’s impact, we are establishing synergies between the higher education system and the private sector in Europe through associated partners. These associate partners or organisations will contribute to the development of specific topics that the Alliance is working on at a global level. EPICUR associated partners are organisations that:
• contribute to the implementation of specific tasks/activities
• and/or support the dissemination and sustainability of the EPICUR alliance results.
Today more than ever, cross disciplinarity and transversality are recognised as values in the workplace and when it is time to solve a problem or take up a challenge. Through EPICUR, we want to implement this approach as much as possible in order to bring this capability of understanding our society while studying a specific field of study.
Eventhough we are trying to implement as much as possible this approach, we are still working on other fields of study and we don’t want any formation to feel left behind. Indeed, our new ways of teaching and learning and our new forms of mobility won’t only be accessible for our LAS students but also for all our EPICUR students.
For more information about our approach, please check the WP3 section.
As mentioned above (Who are the EPICUR partners?), EUCOR is one of the regional networks of EPICUR.
EUCOR and EPICUR have 4 partner universities in common:
– Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany
– Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
– Université de Haute-Alsace, Colmar-Mulhouse, France
– Université de Strasbourg, France
However, they do have different visions and objectives. EUCOR aims to stay a network whereas EPICUR is leading a process of inclusion and integration between its universities.
EUCOR has a clear focus on the Upper Rhine region and the development of the scientific space. It defines its aim as such: « to build a scientific space with a clearly defined profile, without walls or borders and with international outreach. Common structures, common governance and a common strategy for research and training are the foundations of the close cooperation. »
EPICUR works on a much wider scope thanks to its diverse regions. Moreover, EUCOR and EPICUR don’t have the same strategy. EPICUR has the objective to showcase the importance of mobility and multilingualism, but also interculturality and innovative-thinking.
EPICUR is testing and implementing innovative ways of learning and will offer new possibilities of experiencing the university life in the most inclusive kind of way.
Our future students will:
As a student of the alliance, you can participate to the creation of EPICUR by:
This experience in a multicultural environment could be a stepping stone in your university journey.
Be EPICURious and find out how to participate and add value to your education and career by joining the EPICUR journey/experience!
Yes! Indeed, one of our goals is to create a virtual campus which will include the establishment of virtual Inter-University courses. One of the innovative elements of these courses is the introduction of EPICUR ‘mobility credits’ that will simplify procedures between EPICUR universities. These EPICUR ‘mobility credits’ will be transferable to ECTS credits.
We acknowledge that paperwork can sometimes be annoying and we want our students to enjoy the best they can their university experience without worrying about procedures.
Thanks to this simplification of procedures, EPICUR students will have less issues regarding administration and less paperwork when they will want to take classes in another of our partner universities.
For more information about the grading system, click here.
We are still looking for your updates and suggestions to make our model of education the best it can be. If you want more information about our offer or if you want to be involved in the project, please be fill the dedicated form and we will come back to you as quickly as possible.
EPICUR is currently testing and implementing innovative ways of learning and will offer new possibilities of experiencing the university life in the most inclusive kind of way.
Be EPICURious and find out how to participate and add value to your career by joining the EPICUR journey/experience!
If you want to be involved in the project, please get in touch with our mapping coordinators or click here to contact us.
If you want more information about our offer or how to be involved in the project, please be fill the dedicated form and we will come back to you as quickly as possible.
As an EPICUR staff member, whether you are working with students or in the administrative field, you will:
Be EPICURious and find out how to participate and add value to your career by joining the EPICUR journey/experience!
We are still in our pilot phase, however EPICUR’s main objective is to offer to at least 50% of its staff members mobility in all forms.
As for our students, we are developping new ways of teaching and new types of mobility (physical, virtual and even blended!). It will be made possible for our staff members to experience mobility in different formats if they wish to.
If you are interested, find more information about our programmes for our staff members here.
If you want to learn more about the Erasmus+ opportunities for staff, click here.
The EPICUR project is deeply rooted on a student and staff centred approach.
As a staff member, you would be able to participate in the co-creation of one of the first European Universities notably through the Staff Board. This board will allow our staff members to discuss about their demands and the ideas they want to see implemented within our alliance.
If you want more information about our offer or how to be involved in the project, please be fill the dedicated form and we will come back to you as quickly as possible.
EPICUR is based on what we call a knowledge square: Education, Research, Business and Society. We want to be considered as important actors of our regions being able to answer to the challenges and goals of our society.
Our local stakeholders are really important to the EPICUR community and are an immense added value to our alliance.
As an alliance of universities, we will establish strong partnerships with keeping in mind the idea of sharing and having a great trust in each other.
If you are interested by our project or if you have any question about our activities, please contact us.
We are dedicated to innovation and tackling the challenges we face in our society.
EPICUR will bring local actors together. We will implement new ways of learning in our universities which will give their regions more attractiveness. We hope to bring dynamism within our regions.
If you want more information about our offer or how to be involved in the project, please be fill the dedicated form and we will come back to you as quickly as possible.