EPICUR invites applications for Tutoring/Teaching Fellowships as EPICUR Mission Guides
EPIC Missions are group projects in which students from across Europe come together to solve real-world problems set by real-world stakeholders with the academic support of mission guides. EPICUR Mission Guides commit to guiding a group of approximately six students in their EPIC Missions between August 2022 and January 2023. Physical presence in Vienna (22-26 August) is required. Afterward, guidance will take place online on flexible schedules.
The seven EPIC Missions in the academic year 2022/23 are:
• Mission 1: A 21st century education for Europeans
• Mission 2: Education and communication measures for climate, nature, and sustainability
• Mission 3: Energy transition and citizenship: reinventing the link between energy and way of life
• Mission 4: House of Sustainability
• Mission 5: How can inner sustainability become part of the teaching and everyday life at universities?
• Mission 6: Tackling today’s challenges together: How can museums foster debate and collaboration?
• Mission 7: Transformation of an urban stream section
For more information, please click the button below.
Application deadline is the end of business on July 7. Please send your CV and a short (200 words) motivation statement.
If you want to learn more about our first EPIC Missions in 2021/22, click here.