In the framework of the EPICUR alliance, the “EPICUR-Research” project, coordinated by Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, launched in January 2021 and funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, is setting up new types of research collaborations at a European level for early career researchers.

EPICUR-Research is primarily aimed at early career researchers in order to expand their field of study and improve the sharing of skills and knowledge within a European research area on interdisciplinary political and social issues.
With the EPICUR-Research programme, the EPICUR alliance is developing a common research and innovation agenda for the European university around EPIChallenges, EPICommunity and EPIClusters:
- The EPIChallenges are thematic endeavours meant to tackle societal problems by gathering experts from both the academic world and external partners, whether originating from business, non-profits or governmental organisations. The first three set of EPIChallenges are: “Migration, Mobility, Identity”, “Sustainability”, and “Public Health”.
- The EPICommunity will bring together early career researchers in inter-university networks from summer 2021 to take advantage of mobility programs and to enable them to present their research projects via a database;
- The EPIClusters are new formats of cooperation between researchers and external partners of universities (civil society organisations) ensuring a transdisciplinary outlook to the research activities as well as aiming to foster the exchange of research infrastructures.
The EPICUR Alliance aims to convince universities to establish a knowledge transfer with society and to open up this cooperation between researchers beyond the academic circle. It is important to include people and institutions from society (civil society, business, authorities, associations…). EPICUR embodies the future vision of an interdisciplinary, diverse and sustainable European university alliance, directly linked to society and facing complex contemporary challenges.
EPICUR belongs to the first generation of European University Alliances, co-funded by the European Commission in November 2019. It consists of 8 higher education institutions from 6 different European countries. EPICUR enables students, teachers, staff and researchers to acquire a broad, unlimited and interdisciplinary academic perspective through a network of European universities, by promoting virtual mobility, developing innovative didactic approaches, regardless of their nationality, mother tongue, cultural or socio-economic background… The EPICUR alliance now combines the four core competences of a “European university”: teaching, research, scientific innovation and interaction with society – these are the four key areas covered by the European Knowledge Square.
For more information on the EPICUR-Research programme please visit:
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Université de Strasbourg
Alexandre Tatay – Attaché de presse
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