At the heart of EPICUR is the Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) tradition of learning and teaching. Contemporary LAS programmes recognise the need for true interdisciplinary collaboration in order to identify and tackle the societal challenges facing the world today. Particular emphasis is placed on promoting intercultural awareness and understanding, on the development of critical analysis and reflection, and on the ability to provide leadership and to make articulate and persuasive arguments.
In Work Package 3 we are developing two educational study tracks that align with the LAS tradition:
“Natural and Societal Sustainability” and “European Identities”.
Within each study track, students have the opportunity to approach problems from novel interdisciplinary and intercultural perspectives across a wide variety of state-of-the-art teaching formats, including joint and parallel courses, joint block courses, excursions and summer schools, on-location and digital. In this manner, EPICUR students are exposed to an interdisciplinary curriculum, as well as to teaching methods that inspire critical thinking, autonomous learning and transformative learning.
The LAS study programmes in Freiburg (lead) and Amsterdam are starting points of WP3. The Adam-Mickiewicz University, Poznań, will join that bilateral with a LAS program in Poznań. In its scope and ambition, however, WP3 aims to integrate programmes, faculty, and students from all eight EPICUR partners and to promote and disseminate LAS study elements across EPICUR.
Similarly, WP3 is closely linked to the other EPICUR WP that focus on multilingualism, the development of an interuniversity (virtual) campus, or regional integration including internships and service-learning formats. Not least, we place a strong emphasis on student involvement – not only as participants in EPICUR learning and teaching formats but as co-designers and multipliers.
In sum, WP3 resonates perfectly with the European Commission’s overarching goals for European Universities:
The Work Package 3 is coordinated by the University of Freiburg (ALU-FR). With an existing and a new LAS programme, the University of Amsterdam and the Adam-Mickiewicz University, Poznań are central to WP3. All the EPICUR partners will contribute to the WP3 with their particular expertise. A joint task force composed of representatives from all EPICUR member universities ensures integration and a shared curricular development.