The EPICUR Inter-University Campus is a central online gateway for supporting flexible virtual, physical and hybrid mobilities for all students and staff across the alliance. One of its unique features is its fully digitalized, paper-free process for student admissions that is supported by a secure, scalable and transparent solution based on free and open-source software. Furthermore, EIUC offers innovative functionality to monitor mobilities, issue and recognize certifications (including ECTS and micro-credentials).
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EIUC Components
The following figure is presenting a high-level architecture of the EPICUR Inter-University Campus.
The main EIUC components are the following:
Please find below a short description of VURS and VCLP.
VURS (Virtual University Register System)
VURS is a complete CMS/SIS which consists of the following components for supporting the necessary functionality to monitor mobilities, issue and recognize certifications (including ECTS and micro-credentials):
VCLP (Virtual Campus Learning Plateform)
VCLP is a full Learning Management System, which is based on ILIAS. ILIAS is an open-source and free Learning Management System, which is popular in Germany and Switzerland. Both German universities of the EPICUR alliance are using ILIAS as their main Learning Management System. ILIAS is completely web-based, hence requires only a web browser on the client side to use it. It supports learning content management and tools for collaboration, communication, evaluation and assessments. It is published under the GNU General Public License. The functionality of ILIAS can also be extended with Plug-Ins. There exists a variety of free and commercial Plug-Ins for ILIAS, adding missing functionality for specific cases. As the VCLP is a complete Learning Management System, courses can be directly hosted on the VCLP itself. However, since the VCLP is based on ILIAS, it can also be integrated with other LMS by connecting the LMS to one or more “Decentralized LMS servers”.
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