Call for course proposals to be featured in the EPICUR European Track. Spring/Summer 2023

The new call for EPICUR course contributions for spring/summer 2023 courses offered in the EPICUR European Tracks is out, and we are very much looking forward to your contributions! We strongly believe that interdisciplinary, student-centred, and challenge-based learning should play a great role in educating the change-makers of the future. Please consider contributing your course!
We particularly welcome course proposals that would fit one of our two pilot themes, European Identities and Natural and Societal Sustainability, or focus on the acquisition of Key Competences (e.g., academic skills, interculturality, critical thinking).
If you would like to increase the diversity in your classroom, become part of an international community of academics, get access to EPICUR’s teacher support, take the opportunity to offer an innovative course in your expertise area which fits one of the challenge areas, please click here for more information and make sure you do not miss to submit your proposal before November 3rd, 2022.
Please also invite your colleagues interested in contributing to innovative, international education by offering a new course or opening up EPICUR seats in existing courses by forwarding this call to your networks.
In case of any questions …
- … please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at
- … join us for an EPICUR-wide information session regarding this call for course proposals on Monday, October 24th at 15.00 (CET) where you can ask all questions you might have and network with other people interested in teaching in EPICUR. Zoom links and further information can be found here (you need to log in with your institutional email account). There, you can also find more information and answers to frequently asked questions.
If you are new to EPICUR, you can also find more general information on EPICUR and if you are logged in with your institutional email account on the European Tracks.