Sustainability Spring Days at KIT / March 28nd – 31st, 2022. Hybrid event

Dear students, Dear friends of sustainability,
It is still winter, but spring is already in the starting blocks – at least at KIT, because it won’t be long until our Sustainability Spring Days at KIT 2022 will take place!
We would like to cordially invite you to join the Sustainability Spring Days at KIT from March 28th – 31th, 2022
We will offer a large selection of workshops, lectures and excursions (many of which will be offered in English). Among others, topics like global climate change, personnel sustainability, climate policies, as well as technological and social innovations will be covered.
You will have the opportunity to discuss with students, staff members, lecturers and researchers from various disciplines and to get involved with sustainability actors from both the civil society and businesses.

The public keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Tilman Santarius on Monday, March 28th at 6 pm will mark the official opening of the project days: the professor for Socio-Ecological Transformation and Sustainable Digitalization at the TU Berlin and the Einstein Center Digital Futures, will speak about “Climate Change 4.0 – Digitalization and Socio-Ecological Transformation”.
The keynote speech will be livestreamed, is free and can be attended without registration!
In the following three days, more than 30 workshops and excursions will take place, providing insights into the wide field of sustainable development. The exhibition “Fair of Opportunities” on Tuesday, 29 March from 5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m will offer a platform for exchange, information and discussion with initiatives, groups and companies from the Karlsruhe region.
The Sustainability Spring Days at KIT are open for participation to all students, staff members of KIT and everyone interested in sustainable development. Students can achieve credit points for their key qualifications, for the qualification module NATAN, as well as the Supplementary Studies on Sustainable Development and the Supplementary Studies on Culture and Society.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at our next Sustainability Spring Days at KIT and experiencing an inspiring and exciting event along with you!
You can find all information about the event on
Best regards,
The Sustainability Spring Days team