In November 2019, for 3 days, all the partner teams gathered in Mulhouse (France) hosted by the University of Haute-Alsace, member of the alliance and who has a long experience with intercultural issues.
The aim of this reunion was, on the one hand, to know each other better and, on the other hand, to agree on the project implementation details, therefore ensuring mutual understanding and a dynamic and fruitful future cooperation.
Two types of meetings were held: team-building activities and kick-off meetings (including WP kick-off meetings). The activities were organised in a collaborative and playful way in order to enhance communication and friendliness between our teams.
These meetings gathered together the Strategic coordinators (leaders and partners), the Project officers, the WP leaders and activity-leaders, the 8 Project assistants, as well as the 8 Communication officers.
Christelle Roy, the EPICUR Strategic coordinator, commented:
« These 3 days allowed the teams to get to better know each other. It was really pleasant to work in a very enthusiastic atmosphere, each of us measuring, of course, how challenging the project is but also expressing a strong will and a full confidence in ourselves to be successful. This fruitful kick-off meeting promises the best for the project continuation.”
This first reunion of the EPICUR teams was the occasion to exchange on good practices in order to establish a strong and sustainable partnership by still keeping in mind the student and staff centred approach of the project. This kick-off meeting established the real beginning of a durable partnership.